Sunday 22 November 2009

Baskerville, John

John Baskerville (28 January 1706 - 8 January 1775), was an English businessman in areas which consist japanning and papier-mâché, but his many interest was on printmaking and typography. Baskerville also was responsible for significant innovations in printing, paper and ink production. Moreover, he was responsible for significant innovations in printing, paper and ink production. He renovated a method which manufactured a smoother whiter and established a entire new style of typography including wide margins and leading between each line. Despite the significance of his work, he was critised by other competitors, but since the 1920s many new fonts have been published by Linotype, Monotype, and other typefoundries renewal of his work and mostly called 'Baskerville'.

Furthermore, he set up a printing house in 1757 where his first work was issued,an edition of Virgil, which was followed by another edition, the John Milton. Expect from that, he appointed printer to the University of Cambridge and although he was an atheist he undertook an edition of the Bible (1763), which was regarded as a work of art. He died on the 8th of January 1775.

Biographical Dictionary (2006), Famous Quotes from Baskerville John,

Date accessed 27/10/2009

Date accessed 27/10/2009

Biography Base,John Baskerville Biography,

Date accessed 27/10/2009

Encyclopedia Brtitannica (2009), John Baskerville,
Date accessed 28/10/2009

Nadine Daouti

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